Skull Division
2 min readOct 29, 2021




Artwork by Amonbofis of Lazy Heroes

Nom, the medicine Monke, dug furiously. Having been assigned to fill his gigantic basket with herbs, Nom had hoped that a quick trip to the rainforest would yield the best results. In the cool of the dawn, he swung from the canopies, to the midstory, to the shrubbery, to the roots — where the air was thick and the waning moonlight was wispy and thin.

Scrabbling into the dirt, his paws brushed against a cold, smooth object. After some tugging and wrestling and heaving (and sneaking in a banana break), Nom managed to dislodge the article from the tree roots. It was a golden skull, which glowed almost imperceptibly.

When the skull was brought to the elder Monkes, they were perplexed. None of them had seen anything like it before. They sought guidance from their ancient scrolls and relics, to no avail. They consulted their oldest and wisest, who did not seem to recognise it. They took counsel from their shamans and magi, who shrugged it off as a lost trinket, perhaps dropped by a visiting Grim.

Months passed, and still, nobody could determine the origin of the golden skull.

Until one day, when the Chief Librarian of the Monkes chanced upon a tattered parchment in an abandoned section of the grand library — crumpled and faded and smelling like old banana peel. The parchment spoke of an extinct tribe that lived in Solaria 2,000 years ago. Led by their benevolent leader, Anatoly, they were masters of the mystic arts and blessed with the gift of abundance — but of what, the text did not say.

The cleverest of the Monkes were tasked to study the golden skull and find the secret to this abundance. Perhaps the skull created light from nothing; or turned water into wine; or gifted its holder with intelligence of the highest order. But their countless experiments yielded no results and soon they Monkes began to grow quite exasperated.

In the end, it was pure chance that led to the discovery.

An elder Monke had brought the skull home for examination and placed it on a mantelpiece, right beside some loose change emptied from his pockets. The next morning, he realised something had happened to the Solana coins he had left beside the skull.

They had multiplied.

This is Part 2 of 7 of the lore of Skull Division, a Solana NFT minting on 18 November 2021.

Read Part 1 here.



Skull Division

The 1st Pairable NFT on Solana. 8,888 Supply. 1 SOL Mint Price. Launch Date: 11.11.21