Skull Division
2 min readOct 31, 2021




Artwork by Amonbofis of Lazy Heroes

Packed tightly into the middle of the town square, the Monkes buzzed with excitement for an important announcement. Right at midday, under the sweltering sun, the Chief of the Monkes stepped out to the tolling of the town bells.

“My fellow Monkes — today, you witness history.”

He whipped out the golden skull and placed it on the podium, right beside a Solana coin. As everyone watched, another coin appeared right beside it from thin air, as if conjured by a sorceror.

A deafening silence, of shock and anticipation, passed over the crowd.

The Chief placed the golden skull into a basket of coins. As the crowd watched in amazement, the basket trembled slightly. Slowly, like the tide at dusk, the coins rose and began to flow over the rim of the basket. They bounced off stones with loud clinks and rolled gently into the crowd, which had begun to turn manic.

The voice of the Chief boomed: “Tomorrow, we will have just one task. Return to the rainforest and bring us more skulls.”

The next day, armed with a team of archaelogists and miners, the Monkes ventured into the forest — numbering in the thousands. Sweeping through the undergrowth, they slashed at weeds and set bushes on fire. They hacked the tree barks with machetes and toppled the towering monoliths to ransack their roots.

The Monkes found hundreds of skulls, which came in different colours and sizes: some gleamed like emeralds and others were grey like a thunderstorm; some were as large as a cantaloupe and others as small as a baby Monke’s fist. But the skulls all had one thing in common: they had the effect of magically multiplying all nearby coins.

The excavated skulls were surreptitiously carried back to the Monke’s lair in crates.

Later that evening, at a gathering of the elder Monkes, a question was raised: should the skulls be shared with the rest of Solaria? The council was divided in their answers. Some felt that they who found the skulls had the right to retain them. Others felt that the skulls belonged to no one, and therefore they belonged to everyone. Through the night, they argued robustly, but each side held firm.

Perched on the branch of the closest tree, Mono the Ape took the meeting in silently. As dawn threatened to break, he turned around, rushing back to the other end of the island where the rest of his brethren lay waiting.

This is Part 3 of 7 of the lore of Skull Division, a Solana NFT minting on 18 November 2021.

Read Parts 1 and 2 here.



Skull Division

The 1st Pairable NFT on Solana. 8,888 Supply. 1 SOL Mint Price. Launch Date: 11.11.21